Identity: The Collapse of Yugoslavia
In this third episode of The Identity Series, we investigate the collapse of Yugoslavia and subsequent wars that ripped across the former country.
Identity: The Legacy of Empire
In this second episode of The Identity Series, we delve into the fraught and complex topic of empire.
Identity: Czeslaw Milosz and the Borderlands
In this first episode of The Identity Series, we explore the meaning and power of identity through the fascinating case of Polish-Lithuanian Nobel Prize-winning writer Czesław Miłosz.
Disco and Atomic War (Live)
In this episode recorded from our online Dash Café in May, we return to the iconic 2009 Estonian documentary Disco and Atomic War and the topic of borders, propaganda and censorship.
Breaking Silence: Censorship and Self-Censorship
The fourth and final episode of Breaking Silence, explores issues of censorship, self-censorship and cancel culture in the creation of art.
Breaking Silence: Across Borders
The third episode of Breaking Silence, looks at the silencing of cultural identity across national, ethnic and religious borders and ways in which international artists are unearthing these issues in their work.
Breaking Silence: Women and Trauma
The second episode of our podcast mini-series, Breaking Silence, features writers and practitioners who are addressing the silencing of women and giving voice to female experience through artistic mediums.
Breaking Silence: The Pact of Forgetting
In the first episode of Breaking Silence, we examine Pacto del Olvido, Spain's 'pact of forgetting' - a collective decision to forget the thousands of crimes against humanity under Franco's 40-year dictatorship.
Dust and Shadow
In this episode, we delve into the remarkable history of 59 Brick Lane in London’s East End. A spiritual and communal home to thousands over the centuries; 59 Brick Lane was born as a Huguenot church, later becoming a Methodist church, then a synagogue, and is now home to the Brick Lane Mosque.
Arvo Pärt: Time, Text and Tintinnabuli
In October 2020 we hosted our first ever Digital Dash Café EUROPEANS: ARVO PÄRT to celebrate Estonian composer Arvo Pärt’s 85th birthday. Due to popular demand, we turned the event into a podcast, with some new, bonus content for our listeners.
Art on the Brink of Brexit
As we release our final podcast of 2020, we're still muddling through Brexit in the UK, with the nation holding its breath to see what this momentous change will mean for us all. In timely fashion, we're revisiting our live event Art on the Brink of Brexit, recorded in 2018, which hosted a panel of first and second generation migrant artists working in the UK, to discuss what Brexit would mean for them, and what it would mean for the future of the arts in Britain.
George Eliot's Radicals
In the run up to creating The Great Middlemarch Mystery, a site-specific production in Coventry based George Eliot’s classic Middlemarch, we return to our Dash Café on George Eliot. We explore what happened when Europe and Middle England’s philosophies and ideas met, how Eliot brought this to life in her novels, and why her radical work is still important today.
Felix de Rooy: Art in the face of Empire
In this episode of the Dash Arts Podcast, we delve into the life and work of the Curaçaoan-born Dutch artist, filmmaker and director Felix de Rooy. Described as “a source for all black arts in the Netherlands”, Felix’s work has been pivotal in reframing the narrative of Dutch identity - particularly the Netherlands’ relationship with its colonial history - and the legacy of the slave trade. Despite all this, chances are you haven’t heard of Felix de Rooy. Join Josephine Burton to explore why.
What Would Ingrid Bergman Do?
Discover the fascinating life and work of Hollywood icon and beloved Swede Ingrid Bergman in this week's episode, hosted this time by Dash Arts Creative Associate and director Sophie Austin. Taking a journey through Bergman’s life, we look at how her strength, determination and Swedishness made her into one of the world’s most famous movie stars. In the face of sexism, scandals and tragedy, Bergman’s strident independence and ambition saw her carve out a career led by passion and creativity.
LIVE: Dash Arts Podcast does Eurovision
Eurovision might have been cancelled, but not at Dash Arts! In this LIVE episode we head back to our Eurovision Dash Café last year for an entertaining rundown of its history.
Introduction to the Dash Arts Podcast
Artistic Director Josephine Burton introduces the Dash Arts Podcast!