Reckoning Giving CIRCLE

A new multilingual documentary theatre production, rooted in witness testimonies from survivors of the Russian war in Ukraine, in partnership with The Reckoning Project

Created by Josephine Burton with Ukrainian co-writer Anastasiia Kosodii and an international cast, Reckoning chronicles a journalist's compelling interview with a survivor of the Russian occupation in a village near Kyiv in 2022.

Each performance of Reckoning will end with a short conversation. As we share soup cooked onstage with the audience, a different guest speaker every night will offer a unique insight into the conflict and its effects – from perspectives such as restorative justice, lawyers from international Crimienal Courts, journalists, trauma therapists and hosts from the UK’s Home For Ukraine Scheme.

The Reckoning is more than simply a play; it invites audiences to confront the impacts of war and to find solace in the shared humanity that can bridge even the deepest divides.


At a challenging time for the arts and as we navigate a future without regular public subsidy, we need the help of our amazing friends and supporters more than ever.

Donations of all sizes will ensure this important production reaches the stage and impacts audiences.

£3,000 supports the creation of the evocative soundscape by Ukrainian composer Anton Baibakov

£500 funds our artist wellbeing practitioner

£150 pays for each ‘A Soup & A Chat’ experience after the shows

As a supporter to this production, you will become an extended member of our artistic team, experiencing this project in a bespoke way - depending on level of donation  - from creation to the first night.

To find out more about the scheme and what you can experience as a supporter at different levels email